In My Rainbow

2004-09-08 - 12:19 p.m.

||the business of moving on||

So many people are at such a crossroads and this is has been weighing on me. I'm starting to feel like I don't have good advice or that my opinion doesn't matter as much because how could I understand when I'm not lonely for love right now. And I don't think even if I was I'd have the right words. It would all be vague and from a place where I wanted to be and not how I could be. I don't think I was strong enough on my own. I made bad, bad choices and didn't make efforts to love my good stuff. But, now I feel like shouting at everyone else. "Can't you see that it's not that important to cling to someone if you have to work so incredibly hard at it?" My new love is effortless and perfect and obvious and real. I know that most people feel that having someone is necessary to solving the ongoing sag of loneliness, but isn't it worth looking for the best person? Aren't we all entitled to that? Especially now that we're older, more established and confident in what we're accomplished. It seems to me that people have lost sight of this. That we're not positive enough about how much change is possible. But, how can I say when I know I couldn't make these choices. It's so easy to say something but so much harder to do it.

Time for all of us to find that perfect love

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